Yesterday my brother showed me a camouflage generator he wrote (with a fancy GUI and letting u choose the colors). I decided to give the problem a shot and I've created a short piece of code that generates a raw 32-bit bitmap file that generates a camouflage pattern with some predefined colors and no GUI at all.
Note: the code his horrible (it was coded in ~10 minutes, so no surprise there).
Image examples are below the code.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
#define PTS 1000
#define RES 1024
unsigned int colors[] = {
struct pt {
int x, y, c;
} tab[PTS];
unsigned int bmp[RES * RES];
for(int i = 0; i < PTS; i++) {
tab[i].x = rand() % RES;
tab[i].y = rand() % RES;
tab[i].c = rand() % (sizeof(colors) / sizeof(colors[0]));
for(int j = 0; j < RES; j++) {
for(int i = 0; i < RES; i++) {
int closet = 0;
int dx = tab[closet].x - i;
int dy = tab[closet].y - j;
int dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// This is slow as hell and there are 1234 ways to make it faster.
// But whatever ;p
for(int k = 1; k < PTS; k++) {
dx = tab[k].x - i;
dy = tab[k].y - j;
int ndist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if(ndist < dist) {
closet = k;
dist = ndist;
bmp[i + j * RES] = colors[tab[closet].c];
FILE *f = fopen("out.raw", "wb");
fwrite(bmp, 1, sizeof(bmp), f);
return 0;
Camo: 1000 points
Camo: 100 points
Camo: 5000 points
Camo: 10000 points
Random note: if you make the color inverse proportional to the distance from a point, you get shiny stars :)