

Welcome to my new blog!

As one may know, I already had some blogs in the past. Some where in English, some in polish, and I couldn't decide on which ones I should post. And so I created this blog, in which the posts will be in two languages - Polish and English (see the language change buttons in the menu at the right). Since my Polish is a lot better than my English, the posts translation might not be direct ;>

What will this blog be about? Well, it will be about the things I do - coding, security in general meaning, and electronics. Well, the posts about electronics will be kindergarten-level, since I just began to play with it (but I already learned that connecting a 100 ohm resistor to a 12V power supply means getting burned ;p).

In the future I'll add to the blog a section with my papers, code snippets, and some projects.

With starting this blog I'm shutting down the other blogs - some will remain online, some won't.

I wish You all pleasant reading, and I encourage everyone to comment.

ps. '1rd' is a kind of tribute to netwars.pl ;>

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