Below are places some tools I've made (by myself or in cooperation) - some of them I still develop, some are finished, and some are left as they are. Most of them (if not all) are open source (usually BSD style license). Comments are welcomed :)
Tool | Description |
ExcpHook 0.0.5-rc2 | Exception monitor (kernel level) for Windows. A post about ExcpHook 0.0.5-rc2 |
Ent 0.0.3 | File entropy measurement tool. A post about Ent 0.0.3 A post about entropy measurement |
ANSI Hack 0.004d | Patch for cmd.exe that adds support for ANSI escape codes to the internal cmd.exe commands - this allows to set colorful prompts, and do other fun stuff. A post about ANSI Hack 0.004d A post about ANSI Hack internals |
HiperDrop | A simple command line process memory dumper for Windows. Basically, it attaches to a process, read the whole memory (unlike LordPE / OllyDump, this tool is design to download the whole memory of the process), and saves it to disk. A post about HiperDrop 0.0.1 |
asmloader | A simple app to test machine code snippets - it loads machine code to executable memory and executes it (32-bit only, Windows+*nix) Post about Simplified Assembly Loader (in Polish) |
PiXiEServ | A simplified PXE (network boot) server for Windows and Linux-based OS. Made by me and j00ru for testing of very small home-made OS. Post about PiXiEServ |
NetSock 2012.11.18 (src) |
A simple networking (socket) library for C++ for Windows and systems based on Linux kernel. A post about the newest version of NetSock Initial post about NetSock |
I'm not using a linux subsystem, but rather Ubuntu Server on a headless VirtualBox VM.
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