ExcpHook Exception Monitor is an exception monitor, made for Windows XP. The monitoring part is kernel-level (technically, in a driver), so in opposite to user-land monitors, ExcpHook does not have to be a debugger for the monitored processes, nor it doesn't have to change their environment/code/data in anyway. Additionally, ExcpHook is not tied up with one process - it monitors every process in the system, letting the user filter out the interesting processes by providing a part of the image name of the process.
Download (source + binary): ExcpHookMonitor_0.0.5-rc2.zip (220KB)
An example of usage:
c:\Tools\ExcpHookMonitor_0.0.5-rc1>ExcpHook.exe excp_
ExcpHook Exception Monitor v0.0.5-rc2 by gynvael.coldwind//vx
(use -h or --help for help)
Filtering results only to ones containing "excp_"
Loading driver...OK
Opening device...OK
Requesting info on driver...OK
Driver: ExcpHook driver v0.0.5-rc2 by gynvael.coldwind//vx.
Driver status: All OK
Entering loop... press ctrl+c to exit
--- Exception detected ---
PID: 1440 First Chance: YES
Exception code: 10000004 (KI_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Exception addr: 0040130a
Image (from OpenProcess): c:\Tools\ExcpHookMonitor_0.0.5-rc1\TestSuite\excp_accviol.c.exe
Image (from EPROCESS) : excp_accviol.c.
Param count : 2
00000000 88776655
Access Violation Type : READ
Accessed Memory Address: 88776655
Eax: 00401360 Edx: 77c51ae8 Ecx: 00401360 Ebx: 00004000
Esi: 7c90d950 Edi: 0006a19c Esp: 0022ff60 Ebp: 0022ff78
Eip: 0040130a
EFlags: 00010247
CF: 1 PF: 1 AF: 0 ZF: 1 SF: 0 TF: 0
IF: 1 DF: 0 OF: 0 NT: 0 RF: 1 VM: 0
AC: 0 ID: 0
IOPL: 0 VIF: 0 VIP: 0
77c2aead 0006a19c 003e29f0 00401305 00000010 00000002 0022ffb0 00401237
00000001 003e2498 003e29f0 00404000 0022ffa4 ffffffff 0022ffa8 00000001
[0040130a] a1 55667788 MOV EAX, [0x88776655]
[0040130f] 8945 fc MOV [EBP-0x4], EAX
[00401312] b8 00000000 MOV EAX, 0x0
[00401317] c9 LEAVE
[00401318] c3 RET
[00401319] 90 NOP
[0040131a] 90 NOP
[0040131b] 90 NOP
[0040131c] 90 NOP
[0040131d] 90 NOP
[0040131e] 90 NOP
[0040131f] 90 NOP
[00401320] 55 PUSH EBP
[00401321] b9 c0304000 MOV ECX, 0x4030c0
[00401326] 89e5 MOV EBP, ESP
[00401328] eb 14 JMP 0x40133e
0.0.4 -> 0.0.5-rc2
* Fixed 100% CPU eating bug
* Rewritten the code to use IOCTL insted of Write/Read
* Added driver status checking mechanism
* Commented the source code, made it more readable
* Fixed multiCPU/multicore race condition possibility
* Fixed BSoD on some systems when patching the kernel
* Added some more spinlocks here and there
* Fixed BSoD on some kernel versions, the signature seeking
mechanism has been changed to a more decent one
* Added general/control register logging/display
* Added image name acquiring from EPROCESS
* Added one-instatnce-at-a-time limit (this is needed due to design)
* Added disasembly display (using diStorm lib)
* Added some more minor things
All remarks are welcomed ;>
P.S. you can also download ExcpHook as a part of OpenRCE snippets.
Glad you like it ;>
Let me know if anything goes wrong with it (alpha version still)...
Exceptions are just access violation and invalid lock sequence.
Thanks for the bug report! I'll take a look at it, and try to fix it in 0.0.6 ;>
Glad you like it! ;>
The code is not as good as I would like it to be, so take care while studying it ;>
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. Works fine for me on XP-SP3, where other tools don't
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