
RE-Enter teh blog

Welcome back after a short break! It looks like that after posting on the Polish side of the mirror about a binary I've received from a friend, the post was posted on wykop.pl - a Polish site like digg.pl. After that, the event chain was simple - many people have entered, too many requests for apache to handle, apache crashed, former (yep, I have change the blogs location) hosting admins decided that my blog causes too much trouble, so it went down. Additionally in that time I was on my way to the CONFidence 2009 conference, so I wasn't able to do anything about it ;(

But it went OK from that point - I got some time to look for a new place to host my blog - and finally my friend (see SekIT) Lucas Raczylo (THX m8!) offered to host my blog on one of his servers. So, after I got back from the conference, got to sleep a little, I moved the stuff to the new hosting, and the blog is back online, and it should survive new 'wykops' with out a problem :) (but I'll have to tweak my blog performance a little anyway)

So, once again, BIG THX goes to Lucas, and a big Welcome Again to you - people who read this :)

P.S. Quite a lot of folks on CONFidence asked me why my blog was down - frankly, it was a little terrifing - someone actually reads what I post! - but I'm happy about it in the end of course, thx guys for reading it :)

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