
VirusTotal Uploader 2.0

VirusTotal Uploader 2.0A few days ago my newest creation was published on the net - VirusTotal Uploader 2.0. Well, it is a different kind of tool that you're used to see from me - it has a window (it's not a console-app), it is well tested, and it is usable by a larger audience - this is mainly because I've created it under the Hispasec banner.

VirusTotal Uploader 2.0 is (similarly to the previous version of the app) a small (below 0.2 MB) Windows application (that, by default, is accessible from the 'Send to' context menu) that uploads a selected file to the VirusTotal website. If you are not familiar with VirusTotal, let me explain: you upload a file, and it gets scanned by (as of today) 41 antivirus apps, and shows the scanning results, as well as two hands full of meta data information. As you can imagine, it comes very useful if you receive files from untrusted sources ;>

As for the most important changes:
- you can now upload multiple (up to 5) files, limited to 20 MB per file (previous limit was 10 MB)
- the app has gained another window (when you launch it from the menu / without parameters), which allows you to upload an executable of a selected process, or to check if a file at the given URL is malicious - in that case, the file will get downloaded by the app (to memory only, it's not saved on the disk by default, but you can change this behavior) and sent to the VT

You can read more about the app at the VT blog in this post.

The app is of course freeware (the exact license can be read while installing).

http://www.virustotal.com/vtsetup.exe - download (150KB)

And another screen at the end:

VirusTotal Uploader 2.0


2009-11-29 00:38:58 = WndSks
Why are you faking a listview with a listbox+buttons?

The installer also uses a older version of the UAC plugin, might not matter, but good to know ;)
2009-11-29 08:35:32 = Gynvael Coldwind
I'm impressed that you've took the time to check the app out in such a deep way!

To tell you the truth, I totally forgot about listview ;> Thanks for the reminder, I think I'll switch to listview in the next version :>

As for the installer, yeah, I know, but it seemed to work good enough, and I had it already on my disk :)

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