gyn_j00ru_dubai.pdf (1.3MB PDF)
The above sliced were made by both j00ru and me, and, well, as always, you may not understand everything if you have not saw the presentation.
If you actually didn't see it, fear not! There are two solutions!
1. 26th of May (that's the second day of the conference), in the beautiful city of Krakow, on the the CONFidence 2010 conference, both j00ru and me will present the vulnerabilities again (well, actually we thought, that not everyone who was interested could reach Dubai/Asia, and decided to also talk about it in Europe).
2. At the beginning of June, the Dubai recordings of the lectures should be published, and I guess that not long after that, the recordings from the CONFidence will also be available.
Probably, after CONFidence we will also publish the technical papers and PoC exploits :)
Take care and see you in Krakow :)
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