
RECON 2010 - paper accepted

recon:lecture:reverse engineering:re:swars
A few months ago we've (with Unavowed) sent a submission for the CFP for RECON, a Canadian (Montreal) conference that takes place from 9th till 11th July. Yesterday our topic was published on the official page of the conference, and so, officially accepted! :)

What will be the topic of our speech? Well, since RECON is, inter alia, a reverse-engineering conference, we've figured that a topic related with our Syndicate Wars Port project (I've mentioned it on my blog earlier) will be just right. The orgs seem to think the same, since it can be now found in the "sneak peak":

Syndicate Wars Port: How to port a DOS game to modern systems by Unavowed and Gynvael Coldwind

So, if you want to learn how the process of porting Syndicate Wars (without having access to the source) to modern OS'es went, what was our approach, what tools have we created and used, what obstacles we've encountered, etc - join as at RECON, Montreal in July!

I'll just add that there will be many people known on the scene, like Alex Ionescu (ReactOS, "Microsoft Windows Internals - 5th Edition", etc) or Rolf Rolles (be sure to check this guys blog on OpenRCE.org) :)

Anyway, if you're going to RECON, please let me know :)


2010-05-11 09:53:04 = mieszkos
ammm... so that sounds nice, but can you answer sometimes at my questions on GG :D? [grr ingriszzzz, amm powodzonka :D]

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