Na stronie konferencji CONFidence 2010 pojawiły się nagrania wideo z kilku prelekcji, z prelekcji mojej i j00ru "Case study of recent Windows vulnerabilities". Nagranie jest w formie do pobrania na dysk (tj. nie ma playera online). - Materiały z wszystkich prelekcji
Video from our lecture (680 MB)
Wstępnie przejrzałem powyższe nagranie, i jakość dźwięku i video jest dobra, a montaż świetny :)
Gorzej z moim angielskim hehehe, więc zalecam włączenie "fuzzy logic" i przygotowanie się na dziwną gramatykę i akcent :)))
Anyway, miłego oglądania!
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- Reverse Eng./Low-Level:
- Programming/Code:
- Paged Out! #5 is out,
- CVEs of SSH talk this Thursday,
- Debug Log: Internet doesn't work (it was the PSU),
- FAQ: The tragedy of low-level exploitation,
- Solving Hx8 Teaser 2 highlight videos!,
- Gynvael on SECURITYbreak podcast,
- Paged Out! #4 is out,
- I won't be able to attend CONFidence'24 after all :(,
- xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained,
- Two of my bookmarklets: image extraction and simple TTS,
- → see all posts on main page
// copyright © Gynvael Coldwind
// design & art by Xa
// logo font (birdman regular) by utopiafonts / Dale Harris
/* the author and owner of this blog hereby allows anyone to test the security of this blog (on HTTP level only, the server is not mine, so let's leave it alone ;>), and try to break in (including successful breaks) without any consequences of any kind (DoS attacks are an exception here) ... I'll add that I planted in some places funny photos of some kittens, there are 7 of them right now, so have fun looking for them ;> let me know if You find them all, I'll add some congratz message or sth ;> */
Vulns found in blog:
* XSS (pers, user-inter) by ged_
* XSS (non-pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* XSS (pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* Blind SQLI by Sławomir Błażek
* XSS (pers) by Sławomir Błażek
// design & art by Xa
// logo font (birdman regular) by utopiafonts / Dale Harris
/* the author and owner of this blog hereby allows anyone to test the security of this blog (on HTTP level only, the server is not mine, so let's leave it alone ;>), and try to break in (including successful breaks) without any consequences of any kind (DoS attacks are an exception here) ... I'll add that I planted in some places funny photos of some kittens, there are 7 of them right now, so have fun looking for them ;> let me know if You find them all, I'll add some congratz message or sth ;> */
Vulns found in blog:
* XSS (pers, user-inter) by ged_
* XSS (non-pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* XSS (pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* Blind SQLI by Sławomir Błażek
* XSS (pers) by Sławomir Błażek
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;D 'Allo 'allo było kapitalne ;DDD
Ad CAPTCHA: dwa słowa: Analiza Ryzyka ;DDDD
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