Since my stuff hasn't arrived yet from Poland (the furniture, rest of the hardware, etc), I cannot upload the new HWFramework source, nor finish the new blog Engine, nor sit comfortably when I code (yep, the chairs & desks are also in transport ;p). So, all the things I could do now must wait a few more weeks. Blah ;p
Also, I might be less accessible on jabber/IRC in the few next weeks, for the above reasons.
As for other things... Switzerland is quite beautiful :) (some pictures are at the bottom of this post)
Actually, I'm very positively surprised! Some of the things I really like here:
- Acquiring internet access from ISP is very simple (I would like to thank Robert for helping me with this). Well, it's 10 times simpler than in Poland - you just enter the ISP website, fill some form and click a couple of time, and that's it. The modem arrives a few days later via mail, you plug it in, and it works. Done. Nothing more to do. There are no ISP-staff running around the flat installing cables, you don't have to wait in a 30-minute queue at the ISP office to sign a contract, and you don't have to bring a certificate how big your... foot is ;p
- Fast internet connection! Technically, I live in a small village, but, even so, I could choose with up to 100mbit/s (down) connections :)
- Ninja-trains! Actually these are suburban trains that are silenced inside, so there is no high-sound-level discomfort when you go to work.
- And, you can safely go on a walk at any time of day and night :)
As far as my new job is concerned, hehe, I think I'm going to like this whole Google thing ;D

And that's that :)
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