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- I won't be able to attend CONFidence'24 after all :(,
- xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained,
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- Paged Out! #3 is out,
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// copyright © Gynvael Coldwind
// design & art by Xa
// logo font (birdman regular) by utopiafonts / Dale Harris
/* the author and owner of this blog hereby allows anyone to test the security of this blog (on HTTP level only, the server is not mine, so let's leave it alone ;>), and try to break in (including successful breaks) without any consequences of any kind (DoS attacks are an exception here) ... I'll add that I planted in some places funny photos of some kittens, there are 7 of them right now, so have fun looking for them ;> let me know if You find them all, I'll add some congratz message or sth ;> */
Vulns found in blog:
* XSS (pers, user-inter) by ged_
* XSS (non-pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* XSS (pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* Blind SQLI by Sławomir Błażek
* XSS (pers) by Sławomir Błażek
// design & art by Xa
// logo font (birdman regular) by utopiafonts / Dale Harris
/* the author and owner of this blog hereby allows anyone to test the security of this blog (on HTTP level only, the server is not mine, so let's leave it alone ;>), and try to break in (including successful breaks) without any consequences of any kind (DoS attacks are an exception here) ... I'll add that I planted in some places funny photos of some kittens, there are 7 of them right now, so have fun looking for them ;> let me know if You find them all, I'll add some congratz message or sth ;> */
Vulns found in blog:
* XSS (pers, user-inter) by ged_
* XSS (non-pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* XSS (pers) by Anno & Tracerout
* Blind SQLI by Sławomir Błażek
* XSS (pers) by Sławomir Błażek
Jeśli o mnie chodzi, chętnie posłucham / pooglądam nawet jeśli by to miało być real-time only.
Twoje Video O GameDev Też Super :D bardzo Fajnie ze dzielisz się swoim bezcennym doświadczeniem , a odp na pytanie : 3x Tak xD
Już nie mogę się doczekać :)
Anyway przed chwilą wrzuciłem kolejne 2.5 odcinka o gamedev/sokoban (o sokoban będzie jeszcze jeden eps, ale prawdopodobnie dopiero w trakcie wrzucania epsów o kolejnej gierce).
Rzućcie też okiem na http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXuQy5dK5Yw plz ;)
Jak na razie tylko raz bralem udzial w compo na IGK w tym roku i glownie organizacja nas zjadla, wifi dzialalo marnie, wiec nasz server SVN byl bezuzyteczny co utrudnilo laczenie, skupilismy sie tez na dodawaniu bajerow przez co braklo czasu na zrobienie gameplaya:)
Przy okazji trochę zmodyfikowałem Sokobana z epsa 6 http://speedy.sh/6qtGk/sokoban.7z :)
tutki miazga ! G E N I A L N E !! powodzenia
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