(Collaborative post by Gynvael Coldwind and Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk)

Just yesterday another edition of the largest and most successful IT security conference held in Poland - CONFidence - ended. The Dragon Sector CTF team (which we founded and are running) actively participated in the organization of the event by hosting an onsite, individual CTF for the conference attendees and giving a talk about the most interesting challenges we have solved so far in our not too long CTF career.

The final standings of the CONFidence 2014 CTF can be found below. We will also publish a more detailed summary, together with some or all of the challenges, on our official Dragon Sector blog within a few days.

1. liub, 2. dcua, 3. 4c...fd sector

The slide deck from our presentation can be found below:
On the battlefield with the Dragons - the interesting and surprising CTF challenges (3.93MB, PDF)



2014-05-29 10:29:57 = plaintext
Nice! Looking forward to the video :)
2014-06-18 19:51:40 = SwinkiTrzy
Ciekawy materiał (nawet bardzo), ale bez komentarza jest często niezrozumiały (mam na myśli noob'ów, takich jak ja). Tym razem tysiąc słów pozwala opisać 4 megapikselowy slajd :)
2014-06-19 09:22:14 = Gynvael Coldwind
Za jakiś czas powinno się pojawić video ;)
2014-11-29 05:17:01 = hasseb432
individual CTF for the conference attendees and giving a talk about the most interesting challenges we have solved so far in our not too long CTF career.

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