I'll be doing more livestreaming this Friday, same time (19:00 UTC+2) on gynvael.coldwind.pl/live-en (which at this moment points to livecoding.tv/gynvael, but looking at this poll I'll probably move to YouTube with my next streams). There are two items on my list for Friday's:
  • Either "Zippy" (WEB 300 from CONFidence CTF 2016, by mlen) or "Revenge of Bits" (STEGANO 200 from the same on, by me).
  • And CrackMeZ3S by bart after that. Please note that I might be struggling a lot with this one, as I did not solve/see it before, and I plan to keep it this way (a couple of viewers requested that I show my approach to unknown targets - well, that's the plan for this stream).
Apart from that one more thing: we actually have an IRC channel for my streams (well, Polish-language streams so far), but there is no reason for English speakers not to join; it's #gynvaelstream @ freenode. Or perhaps I should make a separate channel for the English streams? Let me know what you think in the comments.

In any case, see you Friday!


2016-07-20 19:04:19 = Anonim niezarejestrowany
No to czekam na strumyk :)
2016-07-21 20:22:54 = xtreeme
Ciekaw jestem tego crackme od barta, szczególnie że jak sam mówisz, nie widziałeś go wcześniej (crackme, nie Bartosza). Co zamierzasz zrobić, jeśli okaże się ze takie crackme nie jest na jedno posiedzenie przy streamie i bedziesz jednak potrzebować więcej czasu ?
2016-07-22 07:59:59 = Gynvael Coldwind
*cough* English side of the blog, plz English :) *cough*

If I won't be able to solve the crackme during 2 hours of the stream (which is what I expect btw), I'll continue on the next stream :)
In case I won't be able to solve it during the next one, I'll either do another one, or solve it offline and show how to solve it on the last one.
2016-07-22 17:34:20 = bidzapfc
Livecoding.tv has shown great community by now, and if they are promising to raise their quality even further, why not? Maybe its just me, but I dont think your skillz go well with youtube type of material
2016-07-22 18:07:02 = jenny0030
Hi Gynvael,

I think you should stick with Livecoding.tv since it's basically meant for programming and you will be meeting the right audience. YouTube is also good but for me at first was confusing and took me a while to understand how the streaming works. Either way I believe if you want to broadcast it's best you target the right audience who will appreciate it.

2016-07-22 19:21:43 = Rolf
Sadly I had lots of issues during the stream that forced me to reload the page quite often and from chat I got the impression that I wasn't alone with this. Not 100% sure if it was my connection, but it's pretty stable I'd say.
2020-08-21 14:21:55 = BlackHat
Can i get the password of the zip file CrackMeZ3S.zip?
I just can't extract to get exe file.
2020-08-21 14:30:22 = Gynvael Coldwind
The EXE doesn't have a password - you can extract it without any issues (just confirmed).
Only the CPP file has a password.
If your ZIP unpacker insists it needs a password to extract the EXE... change the unpacker ;)

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