Tomorrow (sorry for the late notice) at 7pm CET (GMT+1) I'll do another livestream on CTFs - this time I'll try to show how to solve several picoCTF 2013 challenges in the time frame of the stream (2 hours). PicoCTF 2013 was an entry-level CTF created by the well known team Plaid Parliament of Pwning - so expect the challenges to range from 10 points (or 30 seconds) to 100 points (several minutes). The first stream will actually be a really good opportunity for folks wondering what are CTFs about and how to start with them to have some of their questions answered (at least I think so). Anyway, the details:As always, the stream will be recorded and will be available immediately after the stream on my channel.

See you tomorrow!


2018-03-13 05:28:58 = Das

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