
Windows Kernel Debugging livestreams

It's a real pleasure for me to announce that the next four livestreams will feature Artem "honorary_bot" Shishkin (github), who will do an introduction into a long awaited topic of Windows Kernel Debugging. Artem, in his own words, is a fan of Windows RE, debugging and low-level stuff. He's been using WinDbg for kernel debugging for several years now for fun, customizing BSODs, building Windows kernel source tree or boot dependencies graph. Sometimes he might also accidentally discover such things as SMEP bypass on Windows 8 or how to disable PatchGuard in runtime. Being a great fan of Intel and specifically VMX technology he maintains his own bicycle debugger based on a bare metal hypervisor.

• 2017-08-02 (Wednesday), 8pm CET
• 2017-08-03 (Thursday), 8pm CET
• 2017-08-09 (Wednesday), 8pm CET
• 2017-08-10 (Thursday), 8pm CET

My YouTube livestreaming channel: www.youtube.com/c/GynvaelEN/live (or
gaming.youtube.com/c/GynvaelEN/live if you prefer darker theme).

How to not forget:
• Subscribe to the YouTube channel and allow notifications.
• Subscribe to Gynvael Hacking Livestreams calendar (also: ICS, calendar ID: pjta7kjkt1ssenq7fi9b6othfg@group.calendar.google.com).

Since I expect some technical problems (first time we'll be doing livestreaming with a guest in a remote location) I'll skip the usual news/announcements/mission solutions part of the streams to save some time (I'll probably do a dedicated stream for mission solutions later on). However DO expect new missions after each episode :)

See you Wednesday!


2017-08-01 06:36:34 = Thiago Peixoto
Hey, buddy! Awesome topic!
Good work!
Greetings from Brazil! ;)

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