As it's pretty obvious from my blog I really enjoy competitions - both participating and running them. Recently I was approached by the HackYeah team with an invitation to become a community partner (whose role is basically letting the community know that such an event is happening) to which I happily agreed to as it seems to be a pretty interesting and fun... well... competition :).

Competition information:
Event: HackYeah
Format: 48-hour, team (6 person limit), offline, hackathon
Ticket: 61-63 PLN (~18 USD) per person (as a community partner I have some discount code: coldwindyeah; it's ~17.8% off)
Dates: Oct 27, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017 (48h)
Place: Tauron Arena, Kraków, Poland, Europe, Earth (that's the third planet in the Solar system)

So HackYeah is a hackathon happening in October in Krakow, Poland in the Tauron Arena (if you're into CS:GO, that's the same place where the last major took place). The idea is for the event to be HUGE (over 2000 participants) and to even have a go at the Guinness World Records (what's the current one in offline hackathon size? anyone?).

The topic of the hackathon is going to be "EXTREME LIVING" (or "living extreme", something along these lines; check the website for details), i.e. an application / hardware+application (any technology is allowed according to the orgs, this includes, but is not limited to, keywords like VR, AR or IoT) for people doing extreme sports (as a pretty broad definition, that includes things like e.g. hiking, diving, flying, etc), and there will be several categories for prizes (copy-pasting from here):

- Hacking Rock Star - for the best solution
- Extremely The Best - for the best use of the “extreme” theme
- Coder Angelo - for the most creative ones
- It’s funny because it’s real - for the funniest, yet working solution
- The Best Hacking Student - separate category for the ones who do not have too much experience in coding, but they rocked!

Personally I would really recommend participating - as I mentioned several times on my blog / in my videos, I find time-limited competitions with additional constraints to be really motivating, plus they give one a clear time frame when one can just focus on coding / learning and not be preempted by other things. If you don't have a team, don't worry - the organizers will help people create teams during the event (that's pretty standard for compos/hackathons to make ad-hoc teams if one doesn't attend with their one team).

Ah, one more thing: since it seems to be a big event and there will be booths from sponsors, the website suggests that there might be other mini-challenges prepared by the sponsors as well (I don't believe any details are available yet though).

Good luck :)


2017-09-05 15:04:12 = kamansiutra
thanks for the news! I'm glad I visited this page again

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