Logo Hack YeahHackYeah 2019 - the largest European hackathon (taking place in Warsaw, Poland) - starts in about 2 weeks, and as it turns out I still have 30 free tickets to give away. But, since I like making things more challenging than they have to be, I decided to prepare a short programming challenge (solving it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes):

HackYeah 2019 Gynvael's Challenge

HackYeah itself isn't a single hackathon of course - it's a quite big event (over 2000 people) with a collection of various hackathons and similar events. The prize pool is 325 000 PLN and still growing - the last "partner task" will be announced 5th of September. You can find the details at http://bit.ly/HackyeahTasksandPrizes.

Students, Back-end developers, Front-end developers, Full stack developers, Graphic designers, Product Managers, Project Managers, InfoSec, Data analysts, Mobile, WEB, Electrical Engineers, Game Programmers (and whoever else might be interested) are welcomed.

What's more? Full board, coffee & energy drinks, 3000 pizzas, IT conference and workshops, Treasure Hunt, evening party, yoga classes, ball pool, military HMMWV and much, much more!

The profit from attendee tickets will be donated to charities supporting kids in IT: Szkoła 3.0 and Hearty Foundation.

Get your ticket now: hackyeah.pl
Discord: https://discord.gg/fa83ryF



2019-08-30 23:03:28 = Superhoop
2019-08-30 23:07:21 = Checksum
2019-08-30 23:10:44 = CRC-Dude
2019-08-31 09:50:10 = Dan
Thanks! :)
2019-09-03 13:08:40 = dumb
Would you be willing to post the solution after the offer has expired? I don't know how to solve the puzzle but I would like to know how.

2019-09-03 17:32:38 = Gynvael Coldwind
Sure :)
And in case I forget, I believe one person wanted to make a write-up for it for Paged Out! #2

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