
Teaser Dragon CTF 2019 - this Sat/Sun


Our CTF team - Dragon Sector - is organizing a teaser CTF this weekend. There will be one or two tasks from me too, so... I wish you luck! Details follow.

Teaser Dragon CTF 2019:

The prizes are planned in a way to ease up traveling to the main event (Dragon CTF 2019) and they assume 4-person teams (max):

  • Top1 - Top3:
    • Invitation to the offline event (i.e. you don't have to buy a conference ticket).
    • Travel allowance (cap depending on travel distance).
    • Hotel (2 twin rooms, 3 nights).
  • Top4 - Top10:
    • Invitation to the offline event (i.e. you don't have to buy a conference ticket).
    • Hotel (2 twin rooms, 3 nights).

The main event is the Dragon CTF 2019, which will take place 14-15th November in Warsaw, Poland, during the Security PWNing Conference (the conference is mostly in Polish, with the international CTF being an exception). The CTF itself is an offline, jeopardy, team (4 people max), ranked tournament, and it's an event open to all conference participant. This means you don't have to qualify to play, but you need to hold a conference ticket (or conference invitation from the Teaser prizes above).

See you on the CTF!

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