Google CTF nowadays is a pretty large event - or should I say 3 connected events, with the pretty hardcore main CTF being one of them, and Hackceler8 - where speedrunning meets CTFs and game hacking - being the second. The last one, but probably the most popular one is Beginners Quest - a set of CTF challenges tied together with a story (a 001337 spy story in this specific case) and aimed at folks who like challenges, but prefer to take it easy is a stress free (i.e. no scoreboard) environment. Anyway, yesterday I've made an over 4 hour long livestream where I've solved all the challenges from this year's BQ, and here's the recording - enjoy!

Timeline (in order of solving):
    15:46 - Task 1: CCTV (rev)
    23:38 - Task 2: Logic Lock (misc)
    34:27 - Task 3: High Speed Chase (misc)
    49:25 - Task 5: Twisted robot (misc)
  1:07:50 - Task 8: Hide and seek (misc)
  1:22:10 - Task 10: Spycam (hw)
  1:47:15 - Task 12: Old lock (web)
  1:55:47 - Task 13: Noise on the wire (net)
  2:04:45 - Task 15: Just another keypad (rev)
  2:14:48 - Task 17: Playing golf (misc)
  3:01:08 - Task 18: Strange Virtual Machine (rev)
  3:41:49 - Task 4: Electronics Research Lab (hw)
  3:51:41 - Task 6: To the moon (misc)
  4:16:40 - Task 7: ReadySetAction (crypto)
  4:25:30 - Task 9: Konski-Hiakawa Law of Droids (rev)
  4:28:23 - Task 11: pwn-notebook (pwn)
  4:41:59 - Task 14: web-quotedb (web)
  4:45:04 - Task 16: Hash-meee (misc)


2021-10-03 14:03:14 = tmcm
This was extremely valuable. Thank you!

There are so many CTF challenges I've had to give up on simply because I've lacked some key insight. This session gave some excellent examples of ways to bridge those gaps. Although I do have to admit that some of these particular challenges do seem to be more difficult than I would expect of a "Beginner's Quest".
2023-08-23 00:46:26 = J
what is this?

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