2025-03-13: No, CTRL+D in Linux terminal doesn't send EOF signal Initially I was supposed to write another article on something completely different, but then I randomly found myself digging into what CTRL+D actually does on Linux. And it turned out it does something different than I thought, so I decided to share my surprise in the form of an article posted at hackArcana. Here's the first section: Linux Terminal: CTRL+D is like pressing ENTERWhat I always thought—and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this—was that pressing CTRL+D in the terminal closes the standard input for the running process. Alternatively, I've heard that CTRL+D sends an "EOF signal" to the application. But if you actually think about it, it just doesn't make sense. After all, in Bash you can press CTRL+D if the line isn't empty, and nothing happens! Perhaps that's a terminal setting then which Bash changes? Or maybe something more, or—as is in this case—something less is going on. Let's investigate! Somebody's wrong on the InternetApart from the correct answer—to which we'll get shortly—there are two lead answers on "what does CTRL+D in a terminal do" that can be found on the Internet. Both wrong.
The first answer is somewhat correct (we'll get to that later), but not in the way you think. Continue at hackArcana...[ 0 comments ] |
2025-03-13: Wstęp do programowania i Pythona - zapisy nadal otwarte
W przyszłym tygodniu* będę prowadzić krótkie szkolenie będące wstępem do programowania i języka Python (zapisy od 0PLN). Rejestracja jest nadal otwarta, więc bardzo zapraszam! Plan jest, żeby niedługo potem ruszyć z dluższą serią o praktycznym programowaniu w Pythonie – ale o tym później. W skrócie co będzie:
A na koniec koniec krótkie promo, które nagrałem do szkolenia - miłego oglądania! Więcej informacji o szkoleniu... [ 0 komentarzy ] |
Five newest or recently updated notes (these are unfinished posts, code snippets, links or commands I find useful but always forget, and other notes that just don't fit on the blog):
Click here for a list of all notes. ![]()
Some conference slides are linked at the bottom of this page. ![]()
The full list of vulnerabilities discovered by me (including collaborative work) can be found here (please note that the list might be out of date). The Google Application Security / Research site might also contain some of my findings. ![]()
[ 0 thumbs up | 0 comments | 0 views ] Dodatkowo: ReverseCraft - starsza seria podcastów o reverse engineeringu i assembly. ![]() Dla programistów:
Security / hacking:
Dodatkowo, kilka przemyśleń na temat odnajdywania się na rynku pracy w IT:
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